Saving Lives Together:

The Highway Safety & EMS Connection

Are You?

Answering these quick questions will help you assess your current level of involvement with your state's SHSP process

Why You Are Here

To save lives through collaboration; specifically collaboration between Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Highway Safety Officials through the state's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP).

What is the SHSP? The SHSP is a statewide-coordinated safety plan that provides a comprehensive framework for reducing highway fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. It is during the SHSP process that statewide goals, objectives, and key emphasis areas are established. The four E's of highway safety - engineering, education, enforcement and emergency medical services (EMS)-must be considered during this process.

The Bottom Line

Supporting a well-functioning EMS system and engaging the state EMS office in the SHSP process are essential to reducing highway fatalities and serious injuries on public roads, especially in rural areas. Many safety resources and investment decisions are based on SHSP priorities and strategies, so it's critical that EMS is considered in SHSP development and implementation.

On This Site

On this site you will find resources, tools and guidance that support collaboration between EMS and highway safety during the SHSP process.

Establishing effective partnerships is not always easy, but these partnerships are key to saving lives. Don't let challenges or bumps in the road discourage your collaboration efforts.

As a first step, we've prepared some questions that will help you assess your current level of involvement with your EMS or Highway Safety counterpart. I am a STATE EMS OFFICIAL I am a STATE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROFESSIONAL ×

You are a State EMS Official

Learn more about why EMS should
participate in the SHSP process.

You are a State Highway Safety Official

Learn more about why Highway Safety should engage EMS in the SHSP process. ×