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Improving Safety on Rural Local and Tribal Roads – Network Safety Analysis – User Guide #2

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5.0 Conclusions

User Guide #2 focuses on studying safety conditions at many sites. The need for the network screening analysis was derived from community concern for enhanced roadway safety at intersections. The agency manager chose to study all of the community’s two-way stop-controlled intersections first because most of the community intersections operate this way. After conducting the network screening analysis, the agency manager identified a number of sites with potential for safety improvement. This list of potential study sites was whittled down to a smaller number of sites for detailed investigation based on staff and funding resources available to conduct the analysis. The detailed study at each site includes evaluating crash conditions (diagnosis) and identifying countermeasures, prioritizing and selecting countermeasures, implementing the countermeasure, and over time evaluating the effectiveness of the countermeasures that have been implemented.

At the conclusion of these activities, the practitioner also should evaluate whether there are other safety-related activities that could be undertaken as part of ongoing work in the agency. This can be especially successful while the community is interested and focused on road safety.

The information herein has been presented as a “go-by” to help a practitioner get through the process. The Toolkit associated with this User Guide provides many resources for conducting each of the steps.

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Page last modified on October 4, 2013
Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000