Calming 26. Chicanes Chicanes create a horizontal diversion of traffic and can be gentler or more restrictive depending on the design. Diverting the path of travel. Shifting a travel lane has an effect on speeds as long as the taper is not so gradual that motorists can maintain speeds. For calming, the taper lengths may be as much as half what is suggested in traditional highway engineering. Shifts in travel-ways can be created by shifting parking from one side to the other (if there is only space for one side of parking), or by building landscaped islands (islands can also effectively supplement the parking shift). Diversion plus restriction (Angled
Slow Points). Diverting the path of travel
plus restricting the lanes (as described under "Chokers") usually
consists of a series of bulb-outs or curb extensions, narrowing the street
to two narrow lanes or one lane at selected points and forcing motorists
to slow down to maneuver between them. Such treatments are intended for
use only on residential streets with low traffic volumes. If there is
no restriction (i.e., the number of lanes is maintained), chicanes can
be created on streets with higher volumes, such as collectors or minor
arterials. |
Estimated cost Costs for landscaped chicanes are approximately $10,000 (for a set of 3 chicanes) on an asphalt street and $16,000 on a concrete street. Drainage may represent the most significant cost consideration. |