U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Reducing rural roadway departure crashes requires an integrated, disciplined approach. A safety action plan is a powerful way to prioritize safety improvements and justify investment decisions. A formal plan will also help to communicate more clearly with stakeholders and access funding opportunities.
State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) |
Other State Highway Funds |
Local Funding Sources |
Contact your LTAP Center, State DOT, or FHWA Division Office to learn more.
FoRRRwD is supported by four pillars that work together to reduce rural roadway departures on all roads. Click a pillar below to learn more.
Roadway departure crashes are a major problem on all public rural roads. More than 40 percent of them happen off State networks.
There are many flexible cost-effective countermeasures that are proven to reduce these crashes.
A fundamental challenge on rural roads is that roadway departure crash locations are random and change from year to year.
Documenting the systemic analysis into a simple safety action plan is a powerful way to prioritize safety improvements.