U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Cheryl Walker, Associate Administrator
March 2020
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
-A- | |||
Administrative Support | Shannon Ford | 202-366-8568 | Shannon.Ford@dot.gov |
American Public Works Association (APWA) Liaison | Rosemarie Anderson | 202-366-5007 | Rosemarie.Anderson@dot.gov |
Automotive Vehicles | Karen Timpone | 202-366-2327 | Karen.Timpone@dot.gov |
-B- | |||
Barrier Terminals | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Basemap/Roadway Inventory Development | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Bicyclists | Tamara Redmon | 202-366-4077 | Tamara.Redmon@dot.gov |
Breakaway Sign and Luminaire Supports | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Bridge Railings | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Budget/Finance (GOE) | Yvonne Willams | 202-366-4668 | Yvonne.Williams@dot.gov |
Budget/Finance (Program) | Yvonne Willams | 202-366-4668 | Yvonne.Williams@dot.gov |
-C- | |||
Conference Planning and Coordination | Tara McLoughlin | 202-366-2176 | Tara.Mcloughlin@dot.gov |
Congressional Coordination | Jennifer Warren | 202-366-2201 | Jennifer.Warren@dot.gov |
Connected Automotive Vehicles | Karen Timpone | 202-366-2327 | Karen.Timpone@dot.gov |
Crash Cushions | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Crash Modification Factors | Karen Scurry | 609-637-4207 | Karen.Scurry@dot.gov |
Crash Test Laboratory Accreditation | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control Devices | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
-D- | |||
Data and Statistics Technical Assistance | Marc Starnes | 202-366-2186 | Marc.Starnes@dot.gov |
Data Analysis Processes and Tools | Jerry Roche | 515-233-7323 | Jerry.Roche@dot.gov |
Data Driven Safety Analysis | Jerry Roche | 515-233-7323 | Jerry.Roche@dot.gov |
Data Standards and Quality | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Driver Related Programs (Safety grants and penalties) | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
-E- | |||
External Coordination | Norah Ocel | 202-366-2175 | Norah.Ocel@dot.gov |
-F- | |||
Focused Approach to Safety and Coordination | Cathy Satterfield | 708-283-3552 | Cathy.Satterfield@dot.gov |
-G- | |||
Government Accountability Office (GAO) Liaison | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
Geometric Design | Jeff Shaw | 202-738-7793 | Jeffrey.Shaw@dot.gov |
-H- | |||
High Risk Rural Roads Program | Sarah Weissman Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings- Program | Esther Strawder | 202-366-6836 | Esther.Strawder@dot.gov |
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) | Karen Scurry | 609-637-4207 | Karen.Scurry@dot.gov |
Highway Safety Manual | Jerry Roche | 515-233-7323 | Jerry.Roche@dot.gov |
Highway Safety Partnership Venture | Norah Ocel | 202-366-2175 | Norah.Ocel@dot.gov |
Horizontal Curve Safety | Joseph Cheung | 202-366-6994 | Joseph.Cheung@dot.gov |
Human Factors | Rosemarie Anderson | 202-366-5007 | Rosemarie.Anderson@dot.gov |
-I- | |||
Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) | Jerry Roche | 515-233-7323 | Jerry.Roche@dot.gov |
Interchange Safety | Jeff Shaw | 708-283-3524 | Jeffrey.Shaw@dot.gov |
International Coordination | Felix Delgado | 202-366-9156 | Felix.Delgado@dot.gov |
Intersection Safety | Jeff Shaw | 708-283-3524 | Jeffrey.Shaw@dot.gov |
ITS and Connected Vehicle Program | Karen Timpone | 202-366-2327 | Karen.Timpone@dot.gov |
-L- | |||
Legislation | Jennifer Warren | 202-366-2201 | Jennifer.Warren@dot.gov |
Local & Rural Roads Safety Cross Office Work Group | Rosemarie Anderson | 202-366-5007 | Rosemarie.Anderson@dot.gov |
Local/Tribal Technical Assistance Program (LTAP/TTAP) Liaison | Rosemarie Anderson | 202-366-5007 | Rosemarie.Anderson@dot.gov |
Longitudinal Barriers | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
-M- | |||
Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) | Rosemarie Anderson | 202-366-5007 | Rosemarie.Anderson@dot.gov |
Marketing/Outreach | Tara McLoughlin | 202-366-2176 | Tara.Mcloughlin@dot.gov |
Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Motorcyclist Road Safety | Guan Xu | 202-366-5892 | Guan.Xu@dot.gov |
-N- | |||
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Liaison | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
NCHRP Coordination | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
-O- | |||
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Liaison | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
Older Road Users | Guan Xu | 202-366-5892 | Guan.Xu@dot.gov |
Operation Lifesaver | Esther Strawder | 202-366-6836 | Esther.Strawder@dot.gov |
-P- | |||
Partnership | Norah Ocel | 202-366-2175 | Norah.Ocel@dot.gov |
Pavement Safety- Pavement Friction | Joseph Cheung | 202-366-6994 | Joseph.Cheung@dot.gov |
Peer Exchanges (in person and online) | Felix Delgado | 202-366-9156 | Felix.Dellgado@dot.gov |
Pedestrians | Tamara Redmon | 202-366-4077 | Tamara.Redmon@dot.gov |
Performance Management | Danielle Betkey | 202-366-9417 | Danielle.Betkey@dot.gov |
Policy Coordination | Jennifer Warren | 202-366-2201 | Jennifer.Warren@dot.gov |
Publications (Planning and Development) | Tara McLoughlin | 202-366-2176 | Tara.Mcloughlin@dot.gov |
-R- | |||
RD&T Coordination (Technical Service Team and Office of Research) | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
Red-Light Running | Jeff Shaw | 708-283-3524 | Jeffrey.Shaw@dot.gov |
Research Roadmap Coordination | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
Road Diets (Roadway Reconfiguration) | Becky Crowe | 202-507-3699 | Rebecca.Crowe@dot.gov |
Road Safety Audits | Becky Crowe | 202-507-3699 | Rebecca.Crowe@dot.gov |
Roadside Design Guide | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Roadside Hardware Eligibility Process | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Roadside Policy and Clear Zone | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Roadside Safety System Designer, Inspection, & Maintenance Program | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
Road to Zero Coalition | Norah Ocel | 202-366-2175 | Norah.Ocel@dot.gov |
Roadway Data Improvement Program | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Roadway Safety Capacity Building | Felix Delgado | 202-366-9156 | Felix.Delgado@dot.gov |
Roadway Safety Data Capability Assessment | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Roadway Safety Data Program | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Roundabouts | Jeff Shaw | 708-283-3524 | Jeffrey.Shaw@dot.gov |
Rumble Strips/Stripes | Cathy Satterfield | 708-283-3552 | Cathy.Satterfield@dot.gov |
-S- | |||
Safety Advisory Group | Chimai Ngo | 202-366-1231 | Chimai.Ngo@dot.gov |
Safety Data & Analysis Technical Assistance | Sarah Pascual | 202-366-0087 | Sarah.Pascual@dot.gov |
Safety Data Management & Governance | Esther Strawder | 202-366-6836 | Esther.Strawder@dot.gov |
Safety Discipline | Felix Delgado | 202-366-9156 | Felix.Delgado@dot.gov |
Safety Edge | Cathy Satterfield | 708-283-3552 | Cathy.Satterfield@dot.gov |
Safety Program Strategic Plan | Barbara McCann | 202-366-8016 | Barbara.McCann@dot.gov |
Safety Statistics and Data Requests | Marc Starnes | 202-366-2186 | Marc.Starnes@dot.gov |
Section 130 – Railway Highway Crossings | Esther Strawder | 202-366-6836 | Esther.Strawder@dot.gov |
Speed Management Program | Guan Xu | 202-366-5892 | Guan.Xu@dot.gov |
State-Local Safety Data Integration | Esther Strawder | 202-366-6836 | Esther.Strawder@dot.gov |
Strategic Communications | Tara McLoughlin | 202-366-2176 | Tara.Mcloughlin@dot.gov |
Strategic Highway Safety Plans | Danielle Betkey | 202-366-9417 | Danielle.Betkey@dot.gov |
Strategic Implementation Plan | Shirley Thompson | 202-366-2154 | Shirley.Thompson@dot.gov |
Structures and Bridge Railings | Aimee Zhang | 202-366-6537 | Aimee.Zhang@dot.gov |
-T- | |||
Towards Zero Deaths Initiative | Chimai Ngo | 202-366-1231 | Chimai.Ngo@dot.gov |
Traffic Records Coordinating Committee | Mike Griffith | 202-366-9469 | Mike.Griffith@dot.gov |
Transportation Safety Planning | Chimai Ngo | 202-366-2157 | Chimai.Ngo@dot.gov |
-V- | |||
Visibility-Lighting | Joseph Cheung | 202-366-6994 | Joseph.Cheung@dot.gov |
Visibility-Retroreflectivity | Cathy Satterfield | 708-283-3552 | Cathy.Satterfield@dot.gov |
Vision Zero | Chimai Ngo | 202-366-2157 | Chimai.Ngo@dot.gov |
-W- | |||
Website Management | Tara McLoughlin | 202-366-2176 | Tara.Mcloughlin@dot.gov |
Work Zones | Phillip Bobitz | 717-221-4574 | Phillip.Bobitz@dot.gov |