U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
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The National Roadway Safety Awards is a biennial competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF) to recognize roadway safety achievements that move the United States "toward zero deaths." The competition highlights exemplary roadway safety efforts and publicizes best practices. Awards are given for infrastructure, operational, and program-related improvements and programs that address safety needs. The FHWA and the RSF stress the importance of strategic, data-driven approaches to improving safety on our nation's roadways. Applicants are encouraged to nominate projects or programs that exemplify innovative and effective safety activities and maximize the cost effectiveness of Federal, State, local, and/or private sector funds.
In addition to the personal and organizational rewards associated with saving lives and improving safety on our nation's roadways, the tangible benefits of this program are numerous and far-reaching. Winning project designees will receive:
Paramount to the decision-making process for the judging panel is demonstrated evidence of data supported results. Each entry will be judged among other nominations in its category. Including documentation supporting the project or program's success through proven results is vital for advancing through the judging process. Nominees will be judged on the following criteria.
Effectiveness – Projects or programs that:Efficient Use of Resources – This criteria includes:
Infrastructure Improvements
This category is defined as "physical improvements to the roadway or roadside that improve safety." Examples include safety devices; engineered design improvements; obstacle removal, relocation, or physical upgrades; intersection improvements; and signage and pavement markings.
Examples of past winners include intersection collision avoidance warning systems, bike lane/shoulder initiatives, roundabout safety improvements, median barrier installations, rumble strips, and pedestrian crosswalk enhancers.
Operational Improvements
This category includes "non-physical improvements that contribute to roadway safety" such as innovative channelization; weather safety operations; ITS-based safety programs; multidisciplinary activities such as road safety audits; and road design and striping efforts aimed at reducing or minimizing the severity of crashes caused by speeding, distractions, and other offenses.
Examples of past winners include intersection enforcement lights, temporary traffic control for wildland fire incident activities, work zone crash analysis, senior zones, interim physical barriers as a safety solution, school safety programs, and speed management programs.
Program Planning, Development, and Evaluation
This category is defined as "programs that identify and address State and local needs by making effective use of safety data and evaluations." This includes public involvement in safety audits and planning; crash data analysis and integration; crash location identification and analysis for crash countermeasure development; development and implementation of excellent Strategic Highway Safety Plans; and use of data evaluations to produce targeted policies, processes, and practices that improve safety.
Examples of past winners in this category include highway safety GIS; comprehensive highway safety plans and programs; task forces to address concerns such as run-off-road crashes; intelligent transportation systems; crash data management systems; weather safety audits and intersection safety improvement programs.
Application form and instructions are included with Call for Nominations. Visit the program web site for additional details.
FHWA, in partnership with the highway and transportation community, is developing a "Toward Zero Deaths" strategy to end the tragic loss of lives on American roads. We seek to keep the world's preeminent highway system as safe and efficient as possible – to reduce crashes, delays, and congestion; to ease the movement of freight; to safely accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists; to protect ecosystems and air quality; to ensure maximum mobility; and to quickly and cost-effectively restore transportation services after disasters and emergencies.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Karen Timpone
RSF is the only national organization solely dedicated to reducing deaths by improving the physical characteristics of America's roadways – design and engineering, operating conditions, removal of roadside hazards, and the effective use of safety features. RSF works to attain its goals by building awareness through media campaigns and outreach activities, developing educational materials, and forming roadway safety partnerships between the private and public sectors. It is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization chartered by the American Highway Users Alliance.
Roadway Safety Foundation
1101 14th Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005
Greg Cohen
Jointly sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration and Roadway Safety Foundation
Project Name :
Submitted by (name of agency or organization):
Parent Organization(s)/Project Owner(s) (if different from submitting agency):
Program Categories (check as applicable)
__ Infrastructure Improvements
__ Operational Improvements
__ Program Planning, Development, and Evaluation
Type of Funds Used (check as applicable)
__ State and/or Local
__ Federal-Aid Highway
__ Federal Highway Safety Program (Section 402)
__ Private Sector
__ Other (please specify):
Has this project been initiated within the last five years? __ Yes __ No
Nomination Packet and Supporting Documentation Checklist
__ Completed application
__ Description of project
__ Comment on project's applicability
__ Data supported results/reports
__ Safety statistics and outcomes
__ Evaluations and/or evaluation plans
__ Photos, if applicable (include up to three photos, not to exceed 5" x 7"; if sending electronically, photo files
__ Press releases and media coverage, if applicable
__Completed application
__Description of project including overall problems and safety problems addressed – 300 words or less
__Comment on project's applicability to award criteria and program category (provide a brief statement explaining how your project meets the criteria of effectiveness, innovation and efficient use of resources) – no more than three pages
__Supporting documentation and data supported results (see checklist on reverse) – no more than 10 pages of text, not including graphics, photos, or videos
__If application is submitted electronically, include brief project title and State in the file name(s), e.g., Seniorzones_FL.docx
Multiple entries must be submitted separately.
Applications and corresponding required documentation may be submitted electronically through the program web site at http://www.roadwaysafety.org or via U.S. Mail or express shipping company as follows:
National Roadway Safety Award Nominations
Roadway Safety Foundation
1101 14th Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005
All nominations must be received by June 30, 2011 to be considered.
Program available to U.S. nominees only, including U.S. territories and funded operations such as District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Mariana Islands.