U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
On Friday, March 28, 2014, the U.S. Department of Transportation published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register to update the existing Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) requirements under 23 CFR Part 924. All public comments on the HSIP NPRM (FHWA-13-0019 ) should be submitted to the docket at http://www.regulations.gov before June 30, 2014 for consideration in the development of the HSIP Final Rule. A summary of the HSIP NPRM major provisions, supplemental materials, information on webinars and other useful links are provided below.
The HSIP NPRM addresses provisions in MAP-21 and incorporates clarifications to better explain existing regulatory language. Specifically, the HSIP NPRM proposes to amend DOT's regulations to remove provisions that were eliminated under MAP-21 (e.g. High Risk Rural Roads Program, 10% Flexibility Provision, Transparency Report). This rule also proposes to amend DOT's regulations to address MAP-21 provisions that require DOT to establish:
The rule also proposes changes to be consistent with the safety transportation performance management requirements proposed under the companion Safety Performance Measures NPRM (FHWA-2013-0020) that was published earlier this month. The Safety Performance Measures NPRM proposes safety performance measures and State DOT and MPO requirements for establishing and reporting specific annual targets for the purposes of carrying out the HSIP.
To assist review of the NPRMs, FHWA has prepared summary information for the HSIP NPRM. This information does not replace the contents of the NRPM; rather, it serves as a high level summary. You are strongly encouraged to read the NPRM in its entirety to fully understand FHWA's proposals. Summary information for the Safety Performance Measures NPRM is available at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/tpm/rule.cfm.
HSIP NPRM Overview Presentation
The HSIP NPRM overview presentation provides a detailed overview of the NPRM, both of the major provisions, and a section-by-section crosswalk of proposed changes.
HSIP NPRM Summary Sheet
The HSIP NPRM summary sheet is a high level summary of the HSIP NPRM proposed major changes.
Safety NPRMs Summary Sheet
The Safety NRPMs summary sheet provides a summary of the proposed key provisions and other useful information for the HSIP and Safety Performance Measures NPRMs.
FHWA will host outreach webinars to introduce the HSIP NPRM to the public, as follows:
MAP-21 Performance Measures: Highway Safety & HSIP Proposed Rules
Hosted by Geospatial Transportation Mapping Association
Thursday, May 15, 2014
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET
View the recording here.
Download PPT slides here.
Hosted by FHWA
Monday, March 31, 2014
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (EDT)
View the recording here: here
Additional information on MAP-21, HSIP, and TPM is available at the websites below.
Highway Safety Improvement Program
Transportation Performance Management