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Highway Safety Improvement Program National Scan Tour

Appendix C–Notable Practices by State

This Appendix provides the notable practices described in the report organized by each Host State. The subheadings under each State link back to the relevant chapters. Table 4 summarizes information about each Host State and provides links to each Host State section.

Table 4. Host State statistics.

State FY14 HSIP Apportionment State-Owned Roadway Miles Non-State Owned Roadway Miles 5 Yr Average Fatality Rate
Alaska $29,668,529 5,591 10,089 1.26
Illinois $73,695,955 15,986 129,722 0.90
Massachusetts $32,218,108 3,018 33,352 0.64
New Hampshire $7,924,497 3,921 12,176 0.88
North Carolina $57,438,779 79,546 26,656 1.24
Oregon $28,137,964 7,661 63,568 1.00
Utah $19,948,410 5,869 40,385 0.89

Summary of State Practices: Alaska

Documentation of HSIP Processes

In Alaska, the DOT&PF State Traffic and Safety Engineer has the responsibility of maintaining a variety of manuals and project development policy documentation. The Alaska HSIP Handbook is evaulated and upated annually or on an as-needed basis to address changes in law, program and policy rules, and clarifications. Updates also address crash costs and CMFs as needed. The Handbook is readily accessible from the Alaska DOT&PF web site, in addition to other HSIP documentation - dot.state.ak.us/stwddes/dcstraffic/hsip.shtml.

The Handbook clearly defines the process of HSIP project development, the criteria for project selection, and handling of funds and project delivery activities. Development of this documentation was the result of a facilitative relationship between the FHWA Division Office and the State Traffic and Safety Engineer's office. The support of the Commissioner ensured that resources were available to address the HSIP regulations with appropriate and sufficient documentation, ensuring the program would be equitably and consistently applied.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Addressing Local Road Needs

Considering All "4E's"

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

Summary of State Practices: Illinois

Documentation of HSIP Processes

The Illinois DOT (IDOT) has extensive HSIP documentation to help deliver their program, available at idot.illinois.gov/transportation-system/local-transportation-partners/county-engineers-and-local-public-agencies/funding-opportunities/highway-safety-improvement-program. This includes the IDOT HSIP Policy, the Systemic Safety Manual, and various spreadsheet-based evaluation tools, including the Benefit/Cost Analysis Tool and HSM Crash Prediction Tool. IDOT is also developing a Safety Engineering Manual as a supplement to their HSIP policy, designed to support the deployment of documented safety engineering processes. In addition, they are developing a policy regarding safety in project development, which will provide guidance for safety-related project advancement decisions.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Using Advanced Safety Analysis Methods and Tools

Addressing Local Road Needs

Considering All "4E's"

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

Summary of State Practices: Massachusetts

Documentation of HSIP Processes

All Massachusetts HSIP documentation is available at massdot.state.ma.us/highway/Departments/TrafficandSafetyEngineering/HighwaySafety/HighwaySafetyImprovementProgram.aspx. Documentation includes HSIP Guidelines and a Crash Clusters map.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Addressing Local Road Needs

Considering All "4E's"

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

Summary of State Practices: New Hampshire

Documentation of HSIP Processes

The New Hampshire DOT does not have an HSIP web site, but does maintain HSIP policy and guidelines in their HSIP Manual and Guidance document. The HSIP Manual and Guidance document addresses safety data, project screening, project selection, and project administration and management. It includes an RSA application (and accompanying process flow diagram) and an HSIP project application, placing all information needed to complete the process in one place.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Using Advanced Safety Analysis Methods and Tools

Addressing Local Road Needs

Considering All "4E's"

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

Summary of State Practices: North Carolina

Documentation of HSIP Processes

The North Carolina DOT maintains all HSIP documentation on connect.ncdot.gov/resources/safety/Pages/NC-Highway-Safety-Program-and-Projects.aspx. This includes mapped HSIP locations from 2010-2014, HSIP Potentially Hazardous Location Detailed Reports by county, intersection reports, bike/pedestrian reports, the active spot safety project list, and the NCDOT Crash Reduction Factor list.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Addressing Local Road Needs

Considering All "4E's"

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

Summary of State Practices: Oregon

Documentation of HSIP Processes

The Oregon Department of Transportation provides HSIP related guidance and materials on its ARTS web site – oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/TRAFFIC-ROADWAY/Pages/ARTS.aspx. This includes a list of 120 safety countermeasures, safety implementation plans for the three focus areas of roadway departure, intersections, and pedestrian/bicycle, and example business cases for safety projects.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Using Advanced Safety Analysis Methods and Tools

Addressing Local Road Needs

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

Summary of State Practices: Utah

Documentation of HSIP Processes

The Utah Department of Transportation provides their HSIP Manual at udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:0:::1:T,V:2933. The Manual includes information on program oversight and funding, special rules, reporting information, and flowcharts depicting the processes for both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects.

Coordination with Internal and External Partners

Understanding the Relationship Between the SHSP and HSIP

Making Data-Driven Safety Decisions

Using Advanced Safety Analysis Methods and Tools

Addressing Local Road Needs

Considering All "4E's"

Identifying Opportunities to Streamline Project Delivery

Evaluating the Success of the Program

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Page last modified on June 21, 2016
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