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FHWA Home / Safety / Local and Rural Road / Local Rural | MATCH

Logo: FHWA Local and Tribal Road Safety MATCH Program
Logo: U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration

Technical Assistance Online Application

Required fields are marked with *

Agency Point of Contact Information

First Name * Last Name *
Agency* Street Address*
City* State*
Zip Code* (xxxxx-xxxx or xxxxx) Phone

Mentoring Request

INSTRUCTIONS: Please describe the specific safety issue that your agency would like to address.

Safety Area (select one)

Please provide a description of the safety issue.

Is there crash data available from the location/segment?

If "Yes," please email data or any other supplemental information to Heather Rigdon, MATCH Coordinator, at MATCH@dot.gov.

What are the agency's goals or desired outcomes of the mentoring assistance?

Please provide some background on the history or projects related to the safety issue to be addressed.

Please describe any obstacles faced in previous mitigation efforts (if any).

Please list any specific countermeasures or strategies the agency is interested in implementing.

Is there any additional information or comments your agency would like to share as part of this technical assistance request?

Please indicate which format/s you are able to receive assistance.

Does MATCH have permission to contact the respective State DOT or FHWA Division Office if needed to help support the agency's mentoring request?

A requesting agency (also known as the Mentee) is required to submit a summary report using a template provided by FHWA to describe the assistance after it is complete. Please mark "yes" to indicate your agency is willing to complete a summary report if this application for mentoring assistance is approved.


The information that you supply will remain confidential.

Once your application has been processed, you should receive an on-screen confirmation.

Page last modified on April 2, 2021
Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000