State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) – Promote
Promoting the SHSP
Promoting the SHSP to leaders and other stakeholders is an important part of the success of a State's safety efforts. FHWA has developed products that can help agencies engage leadership and stakeholders and improve involvement and buy-in to the SHSP process.
- SHSP: Leadership that Saves Lives (Flier) – One of the key reasons SHSPs succeed is effective leadership. This flier targets leaders, encouraging them to work with their staffs to take on the complex safety problems that afflict our nation's roadways. Leaders are instrumental in establishing a statewide safety culture and turning the priorities and strategies in SHSPs into reality.
- SHSP: Get Involved! (Flier) – This flier targets groups who have an interest in the SHSP and offers ideas for broadening stakeholder involvement and outreach efforts.