U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Definition: Location information defining the location of the beginning of the the segment.
Attributes: Begin point will be defined by the user agency (e.g., based on homogeneity of chosen attributes throughout the segment). Begin point segment descriptors can be either related to a Linear Reference System (e.g., Route-beginning milepoint, Route-ending milepoint) or to a spatial data system (i.e., longitude/latitude for begin and end points). Street address could also possibly be used for urban areas. The descriptor-types used must be common across all MIRE files and compatible with crash data location coding.
Priority: Critical
HPMS/Tool Requirements: HPMS (Full Extent), HSM/IHSDM (Required), SafetyAnalyst (Required)