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Model Inventory of Roadway Elements – MIRE, Version 1.0

147. Amount of Left Turn Lane Offset

Definition: Amount of offset between conventional left turn lane(s) on this approach and opposing approach. Offset refers to direction (plus or minus) and distance between the centerline of the left turn lane on this approach and the centerline of the left turn lane on the opposing approach. The direction is positive if the left turn lane on this approach is to the left of the opposing left turn lane and negative if vice versa. If the opposing left turn lanes are aligned, enter "0".

Attributes: Sign (+ or -) and distance (feet )

See Figure 12 for additional detail.

Priority: Critical

HPMS/Tool Requirements: None

Illustration shows three levels of left-turn lane offset distances: zero offset (opposing left–turn lanes are aligned); negative offset (opposing left-turn lanes are to the right of being in alignment; and positive offset (left-turn lanes are to the left of being in alignment).

Figure 12. Illustration of Positive, Negative, and Zero Offset Distance.

Page last modified on October 15, 2014
Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000