U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Definition: Predominant lane width of all inside through lanes, not including outside through lane (see Element 32. Outside Through Lane Width). For a two-lane road, leave this element blank.
Attributes: Feet
See Figures 1b-1c depending on number of lanes and direction of inventory.
Priority: Critical
HPMS/Tool Requirements: HSM/IHSDM (Required), SafetyAnalyst (Optional)
Figure 1a. Illustration of Cross Section, Two-Lane Roadway.
Figure 1b. Illustration of Cross Section, Multilane Divided Roadway Inventoried in Two Directions (each direction inventoried separately).
Figure 1.c. Illustration of Cross Section, Multilane Divided Roadway Inventoried in One Direction (both directions inventoried together).