U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
The following matrix provides information linking MIRE variables to Required, Required Conditionally, and Optional variables in SafetyAnalyst. The Comments are particularly relevant to the Required Conditionally variables.
MIRE Element | SafetyAnalyst Category | SafetyAnalyst Variable | SafetyAnalyst Description | Required | Comment |
1. County Name | Geographic Description | county | County | Required conditionally | Required when location system is Route/County/Milepost |
3. Highway District | Geographic Description | district | District | Optional | When available, can be used in site list query |
6. City/Local Jurisdiction Name | Geographic Description | city | City/Town | Optional | When available, can be used in site list query |
7. City/Local Jurisdiction Name | Geographic Description | jurisdiction | Jurisdiction | Optional | When available, can be used in site list query |
8. Route Number | Roadway Segment | routeDisplayName | Route Number Display Value | Optional | Used for display/ information only |
8. Route Number | Geographic Description | routeName | Route Name | Required | Required during data import |
8. Route Number | Intersection | routeDisplayName | Route Number Display Value | Optional | Used for display/ information only |
9. Route/Street Name | Geographic Description | majorRoadName | Major Road Name | Optional | Used for display/ information only |
9. Route/Street Name | Intersection | minorRoadName | Minor Road Name | Required conditionally | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
10. Begin Point Segment Descriptor | Roadway Segment | location | Start Location | Required | Required during data import |
11. End Point Segment Descriptor | Roadway Segment | end | End Location | Required | Required during data import |
12. Segment Identifier | Roadway Segment | agencyID | Segment ID | Required | Required during data import |
12. Segment Identifier | Intersection Leg | segmentID | Segment ID | Required | Required during data import |
13. Segment Length | Roadway Segment | segmentLength | Segment Length | Required | Required for post-processing (Site list query) |
14. Route Signing | Geographic Description | routeType | Route Type | Required | Required during data import |
17. Coinciding Route — Minor Route Information | Alternate Route Name | routeName | Route Name | Required | Required during data import |
18. Direction of Inventory | Roadway Segment | travelDirection | Direction of Travel | Required conditionally | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
19. Functional Class | Roadway Segment | roadwayClass1 | Roadway Class Level 1 | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
20. Rural/Urban Designation | Geographic Description | areaType | Area Type | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
22. Access Control | Roadway Segment | accessControl | Access Control | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
31. Number of Through Lanes | Directional Attributes | numThruLane | Number of Through Lanes | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
32. Outside Through Lane Width 33. Inside Through Lane Width |
Directional Attributes | avgLaneWidth | Average Lane Width | Optional | When available, will be used by some AMFs in Module 3 |
35. Auxiliary Lane Presence/Type | Auxiliary Lane | auxLaneType | Auxiliary Lane Type | Required | The number of auxiliary is used in Module 3 |
40. Presence/Type of Bicycle Facility | Directional Attributes | bikeway | Bikeway | Optional | When available, will be used by some AMFs in Module 3 |
43. Right Shoulder Type 47. Left Shoulder Type |
Directional Attributes | shoulderTypeOut | Shoulder Type — Outside | Optional | When available, will be used by some AMFs in Module 3 |
44. Right Shoulder Total Width 48. Left Shoulder Total Width |
Directional Attributes | avgShoulderWidthOut | Average Shoulder Width — Outside | Optional | When available, will be used by some AMFs in Module 3 |
54. Median Type | Roadway Segment | medianType1 | Median Type Level 1 | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
55. Median Width | Roadway Segment | medianWidth | Median Width | Optional | When available, considered in homogeneous segment aggregation |
57. Median (Inner) Paved Shoulder Width | Directional Attributes | avgShoulderWidthIn | Average Shoulder Width — Inside | Optional | When available, will be used by some AMFs in Module 3 |
57. Median (Inner) Paved Shoulder Width | Directional Attributes | shoulderTypeIn | Shoulder Type — Inside | Optional | When available, will be used by some AMFs in Module 3 |
68. Major Commercial Driveway Count 69. Minor Commercial Driveway Count 70. Major Residential Driveway Count 71. Minor Residential Driveway Count 72. Major Industrial/Institutional Driveway Count 73. Minor Industrial/Institutional Driveway Count 74. Other Driveway Count |
Roadway Segment | drivewayDensity | Driveway Density | Optional | When available, considered in homogeneous segment aggregation |
75. Terrain Type | Roadway Segment | terrain | Terrain | Optional | When available, considered in homogeneous segment aggregation |
79. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) | Annual Traffic | aadtVPD | AADT | Required | Required during data import |
79. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) | Major Road Annual Traffic | aadtVPD | AADT | Required | Required during data import |
79. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) | Minor Road Annual Traffic | aadtVPD | AADT | Required | Required during data import |
80. AADT Year | Annual Traffic | calendarYear | Year | Required | Required during data import |
80. AADT Year | Major Road Annual Traffic | calendarYear | Year | Required | Required during data import |
80. AADT Year | Minor Road Annual Traffic | calendarYear | Year | Required | Required during data import |
81. AADT Annual Escalation Percentage | Roadway Segment | growthFactor | Growth Factor | Optional | If available, used in post processing to estimate missing traffic volume |
81. AADT Annual Escalation Percentage | Intersection | growthFactor | Growth Factor | Optional | If available, used in post processing to estimate missing traffic volume |
84. Percentage Trucks or Truck AADT | Annual Traffic | percentHeavyVehicles | Heavy Vehicles | Optional | |
88. Hourly Traffic Volumes (or Peak and Off-Peak AADT) | Annual Traffic | peakHourlyVolume | Peak or Design Volume | Optional | |
91. One/Two-Way Operations | Roadway Segment | operationWay | Two-Way vs. One-Way Operation | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
92. Speed Limit | Roadway Segment | postedSpeed | Speed Limit | Optional | |
92. Speed Limit | Intersection Leg | postedSpeed | Speed Limit | Optional | |
120. Unique Junction Identifier | Intersection | agencyID | Intersection ID | Required | Required during data import |
121. Type of Intersection/Junction | MIRE "Type of Junction/Intersection" is required to identify roadway to roadway intersections for SafetyAnalyst | Required | |||
122. Location Identifier for Road 1 Crossing Point | Intersection | location | Location | Required | Required during data import |
122. Location Identifier for Road 1 Crossing Point | Intersection Leg | location | Leg Location | Optional | If available, used in post processing for accident site assignment |
123. Location Identifier for Road 2 Crossing Point 124. Location Identifier for Additional Road Crossing Points |
Intersection | minorLocation | Minor Road Location | Required conditionally | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
126. Intersection/Junction Geometry | Intersection | intersectionType1 | Intersection Type Level 1 | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
130. Intersection/Junction Offset Distance | Intersection | offsetDistance | Offset Distance | Optional | |
130. Intersection/Junction Offset Distance | Intersection | offsetIntersection | Offset Intersection | Optional | |
131. Intersection/Junction Traffic Control 132. Signalization Presence/Type 155. Approach Left Turn Protection |
Intersection | trafficControl1 | Traffic Control Type at Intersection Level 1 | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
131. Intersection/Junction Traffic Control | Intersection | trafficControl2 | Traffic Control Type at Intersection Level 2 | Optional | |
131. Intersection/Junction Traffic Control | Intersection | trafficControl3 | Traffic Control Type at Intersection Level 3 | Optional | |
139. Unique Approach Identifier | Intersection Leg | legID | Leg ID | Required | Required during data import |
140. Approach AADT | Leg Annual Traffic | aadtVPD | AADT | Required conditionally | Required only if minor/major road AADT is missing |
141. Approach AADT Year | Leg Annual Traffic | calendarYear | Year | Required conditionally | Required only if minor/major road AADT is missing |
143. Approach Directional Flow | Intersection Leg | operationWay | Operation | Optional | |
144. Number of Approach Through Lanes | Intersection Leg | legNumThruLane | Thru Lanes | Optional | When available, will be used in collision diagram viewer |
146. Number of Exclusive Left Turn Lanes | Intersection Leg | legNumLeftTurnLane | Lt-Turn Lanes | Optional | |
150. Number of Exclusive Right Turn Lanes | Intersection Leg | legNumRightTurnLane | Rt-Turn Lanes | Optional | |
153. Median Type at Intersection | Intersection Leg | legMedianType | Median Type | Optional | |
155. Approach Left Turn Protection | Intersection Leg | leftTurnPhasing | Left-Turn Phasing | Optional | |
161. Left/Right Turn Prohibitions | Intersection Leg | turnProhibitions | Turn Prohibitions | Optional | |
163. Left Turn Counts/Percent | Leg Vehicle Movements | leftTurnVolume | Lt-Turn Volume | Optional | |
164. Year of Left Turn Counts/Percent 166. Year of Right Turn Counts/Percent |
Leg Vehicle Movements | calendarYear | Year | Required | Required during data import |
165. Right Turn Counts/Percent | Leg Vehicle Movements | rightTurnVolume | Rt-Turn Volume | Optional | |
182. Interchange Type | Ramp | rampConfiguration | Ramp Configuration | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
186. Unique Ramp Identifier | Ramp | agencyID | Ramp ID | Required | Required during data import |
187. Ramp Length | Ramp | rampLength | Ramp Length | Required | Required for post-processing if ramp end location is not specified |
190. Ramp Number of Lanes | Ramp | numOfLanes | Ramp Number of Lanes | Optional | |
191. Ramp AADT | Ramp Annual Traffic | aadtVPD | AADT | Required | Required during data import |
192. Year of Ramp AADT | Ramp Annual Traffic | calendarYear | Year | Required | Required during data import |
195. Roadway Type at Beginning Ramp Terminal 196. Roadway Feature at Beginning Ramp Terminal 199. Roadway Type at Ending Ramp Terminal 200. Roadway Feature at Ending Ramp Terminal |
Ramp | rampType | Ramp Type | Required | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
196. Roadway Feature at Beginning Ramp Terminal | Ramp | rampFreewayConnection | Type of Connection (At Freeway) | Optional | |
197. Location Identifier for Roadway at Beginning Ramp Terminal | Ramp | location | Start Location | Required | Required during data import |
200. Roadway Feature at Ending Ramp Terminal | Ramp | rampCrossroadConnection | Type of Connection (At Crossroad) | Optional | |
201. Location Identifier for Roadway at Ending Ramp Terminal | Ramp | endLocation | End Location | Required conditionally | Required for post-processing if ramp length is not specified |
201. Location Identifier for Roadway at Ending Ramp Terminal | Ramp | rampToID | To Segment | Optional |
The following SafetyAnalyst variables are either defined by (and thus known to) the user agency or can be calculated using MIRE variables.
SafetyAnalyst Category | SafetyAnalyst Variable | SafetyAnalyst Description | Required | Known/ Calculated | Comment |
Roadway Segment | increasingMilesposts | Direction of Increasing Mileposts or Distances | Optional | Known | When available, will be used in collision diagram viewer |
Roadway Segment | discontinuity | Discontinuity | Required conditionally | Calculated | Required for use with sliding window and in forming longer homogeneous sections |
Roadway Segment | interchangeInfluence | Interchange Influence Area on Mainline Freeway | Required | Calculated | Required for post-processing site subtype assignment |
Directional Attributes | direction | Direction | Required | Calculated | Required during data import |
Intersection | majorRoadDirection | Major Road Direction | Required conditionally | Calculated | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
Intersection | majBeginInfluenceZone | Begin Influence Zone — Major Road | Required conditionally | Calculated | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
Intersection | majEndInfluenceZone | End Influence Zone — Major Road | Required conditionally | Calculated | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
Intersection | minBeginInfluenceZone | Begin Influence Zone — Minor Road | Required conditionally | Calculated | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
Intersection | minEndInfluenceZone | End Influence Zone — Minor Road | Required conditionally | Calculated | Required unless user assigns Segment ID to each crash |
Intersection Leg | influenceZone | Influence Zone | Optional | Calculated | If available, used in post processing for accident site assignment |
Leg Vehicle Movements | throughVolume | Thru Volume | Optional | Calculated |
The following SafetyAnalyst variables are not in MIRE Version 1.0. They may be added in later versions.
SafetyAnalyst Category | SafetyAnalyst Variable | SafetyAnalyst Description | Required | Comment |
Roadway Segment | gisID | GIS Identifier | Optional | When available, used by GIS interface |
Roadway Segment | growthSource | Growth Factor Source | Optional | If available, used in post processing to estimate missing traffic volume |
Roadway Segment | openedToTraffic | Date Opened to Traffic | Required conditionally | Required for sections opened after first accident/ADT year |
Geographic Description | corridor | Corridor | Optional | If available, used in Module 1 corridor screening |
Intersection | openedToTraffic | Date Opened to Traffic | Required conditionally | Required for sections opened after first accident/ADT year |
Intersection | agencySiteSubtype | Agency Site Subtype | Optional | When available, can be used in site list query |
Intersection | gisID | GIS Identifier | Optional | When available, used by GIS interface |
Intersection | growthSource | Growth Factor Source | Optional | If available, used in post processing to estimate missing traffic volume |
Intersection Leg | legDirection | Direction | Required conditionally | Only required for collision diagram (Collision Diagram Viewer) |
Intersection Leg | legType | Type | Required | Required for post-processing to validate intersection type |
Ramp | agencySiteSubtype | Agency Site Subtype | Optional | |
Ramp | gisID | GIS Identifier | Optional | When available, used by GIS interface |
Ramp | growthFactor | Growth Factor | Optional | If available, used in post processing to estimate missing traffic volume |
Ramp | growthSource | Growth Factor Source | Optional | If available, used in post processing to estimate missing traffic volume |
Ramp | openedToTraffic | Date Opened to Traffic | Required conditionally | Required for ramps opened after first accident/ADT year |
Ramp | routeDisplayName | Route Number Display Value | Optional | Used for display/information only |
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