U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
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In the News
Focused Approach in the News
- Recalibrating the Focused Approach to Safety (2022)
Since 2004, FHWA has used FAS, a unique, data-driven, agency-specific approach to safety, to offer priority assistance to select focus States in order to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the Nation's highways. In October 2021, an adjusted and updated FAS was rolled out based on current data and program evaluation.
- Focusing on Pedestrian Safety (2021)
FHWA and other agencies across USDOT are continually addressing safety concerns for pedestrians by developing and researching effective tools and countermeasures and by coordinating projects, plans, and discussions with State and local officials and safety advocates.
- A Focused Approach to Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety (2017)
FHWA's technical assistance program helps communities protect their most vulnerable road users. Here's how three locations have met the challenge.
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Page last modified on March 25, 2022