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FHWA Home / Safety / Pedestrian & Bicycle / Resources



Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)

Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) is a recognized program, having produced valuable resources and providing technical assistance on proven countermeasures for pedestrian safety. As pedestrian fatalities continue to rise, FHWA encourages agencies to STEP UP and increase implementation of proven safety countermeasures at crossing locations.

FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures

FHWA’s Proven Safety Countermeasures initiative (PSCi) is a collection of countermeasures and strategies effective in reducing roadway fatalities and serious injuries on our Nation’s highways. Transportation agencies are strongly encouraged to consider widespread implementation of PSCs to accelerate the achievement of local, State, and National safety goals.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

Since its inception in 1999, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center's mission has been to improve the quality of life in communities through the increase of safe walking and bicycling as a viable means of transportation and physical activity.

Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System

The PEDSAFE guidance document has been updated to be more interactive and usable to a wide range of decision-makers. Within PEDSAFE's Countermeasure Selection Tool, users can select Improve Safety at Uncontrolled Crossings. The tool returns a list of countermeasures suitable to the roadway conditions specified by the user, and each countermeasure is linked to a page in PEDSAFE that includes details about typical costs, design considerations, and installation examples from across the U.S.


Primer on Safe System Approach for Pedestrians and Bicyclists (2021)

The Safe System approach acknowledges that humans make mistakes and, importantly, are vulnerable to the forces that occur during a crash. The purpose of this primer is to provide transportation agencies a baseline understanding of the Safe System approach and how it relates to bicyclist and pedestrian safety.

Case Studies for FHWA Pedestrian and Bicycle Focus States and Cities (2021)

Pedestrian fatalities have been on the rise throughout the United States, and as more American's are walking and bicycling, many agencies have been working to improve safety for both of these road users. This case study document provides information on how agencies have worked with FHWA to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety through the FHWA Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Focused Approach Program.

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Road Safety Audit (RSA) Guide and Prompt Lists (2020)

This guide is intended to support agencies that are interested in conducting pedestrian- and bicyclist-focused RSAs and includes information on safety risks for both modes, the RSA process, necessary data, and the roles and responsibilities of the RSA Team.

Bikeway Selection Guide (2019)

This document is a resource to help transportation practitioners consider and make informed decisions about trade-offs relating to the selection of bikeway types. This guide presents these factors and considerations in a practical process-oriented way.

Case Studies in Realizing Co-Benefits of Multimodal Roadway Design and Gray and Green Infrastructure (2018)

This document highlights case studies of projects that contribute to safe and connected pedestrian and bicycle networks in States and communities throughout the U.S., while at the same time providing resiliency and green infrastructure benefits that promote resiliency and relieve burdens on stormwater systems.

Guidebook for Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity (2018)

This is a guide for transportation planners and analysts on the application of analysis methods and measures to support transportation planning and programming decisions. It describes a five-step analysis process and numerous methods and measures to support a variety of planning decisions.

Strategies for Accelerating Multimodal Project Delivery (2018)

This Workbook is intended to help transportation agencies and practitioners identify top strategies for accelerating multimodal infrastructure delivery. This Workbook describes 13 key strategies that have been used effectively to accelerate multimodal projects and provides examples and case studies for each.

Synthesis of Methods for Estimating Pedestrian and Bicyclist Exposure to Risk at Areawide Levels and on Specific Transportation Facilities (2017)

This report summarizes numerous examples of exposure estimation methods at these different geographic scales, and discusses the data sources and analytic methods used to estimate exposure in these different geographic scales.

Accessible Shared Streets: Notable Practices and Considerations for Accommodating Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities (2017)

This document reviews notable practices and considerations for accommodating pedestrians with vision disabilities on shared streets. It focuses on streets where pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles are intended to mix in the same space.

How to Develop and Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Plan (2017)

The purpose of this revised guide is to assist agencies in developing and implementing a safety action plan to improve conditions for bicycling and walking. The plan lays out a vision for improving safety, examining existing conditions, and using a data-driven approach to match safety programs and improvements with demonstrated safety concerns.

Achieving Multimodal Networks: Applying Design Flexibility and Reducing Conflicts (2016)

The publication highlights ways that planners and designers can apply the design flexibility found in current national design guidance to address common roadway design challenges and barriers. It focuses on reducing multimodal conflicts and achieving connected networks so that walking and bicycling are safe, comfortable, and attractive options for people of all ages and abilities.

Bike Network Mapping Idea Book (2016)
This resource highlights ways that different communities have mapped their existing and proposed bicycle networks. It shows examples of maps at different scales, while also demonstrating a range of mapping strategies, techniques, and approaches.

Page last modified on March 25, 2022
Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000