U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Zero Deaths – Saving Lives through a Safety Culture and a Safe System
NEW – Relevant Links
Outreach Materials
- NEW – Driving FoRRwD to a Safe System shows the connection between the Safe Systemic principles and the FoRRRwD pillars through a conversation between a County Engineer and a State Highway Safety Engineer. The video can be found in the “Videos” Section of the “FoRRRwD” webpage.
- NEW – Pedestrians at Crosswalks: What's Speed Got to Do With It? video explains the relationship between vehicle speeds, visibility of crossing pedestrians, and the driver's ability to come to a stop at crosswalks. The video also highlights several countermeasures that can be implemented to improve pedestrian crossing safety and reduce approaching vehicle speeds, such pedestrian refuge islands and curb extensions.
- The Safe System Approach Presentation provides an overview of the approach with discussions of its background, principles, core elements, and examples. The presentation contains speaker notes and background information and can also be used for train-the-trainer purposes.
- The Safe System Approach Flyer describes the principles and core elements of the Safe System Approach; and the differences between the approach and traditional road safety practices
- Zero Deaths Virtual Booth features relevant videos, reports, and web resources.
- STEP Countermeasures to Advance Vision Zero poster provides an overview of Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP).
- NEW – Safe System Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for the advancement of the Safe System Approach in the U.S. It describes the Safe System Approach, discusses the process involved in building the plan, outlines how to advance a Safe System mindset, and describes steps necessary to implement Safe System practices within the transportation community in the U.S. This plan focuses on the role of road system owners and operators in applying the Safe System Approach to design, build, and operate safer roads. This plan aims to educate transportation professionals on the effectiveness of the Safe System Approach while also offering guidance on how to prioritize safety in the U.S. as a means to achieving zero traffic fatalities.
- Safe System-based Framework and Analytical Methodology for Assessing Intersections Final Report provides a basis to assess intersection alternatives according to SSA principles, using a kinetic energy management approach. The report and tech brief are in the “Technical Materials and Research” section.
- Primer on Safe System Approach for Pedestrians and Bicyclists provides transportation agencies a base understanding of the Safe System approach and how it relates to bicycle and pedestrian safety. The document is in the “Resources” section.
- Lessons Learned from Development of Vision Zero Action Plans – This report summarizes the Vision Zero plan development processes of two communities – Daly City, CA and Macon-Bibb County, GA. It draws from their experiences and summarizes the common elements and principles applied, including those of the Vision Zero and Safe System Approaches. The report also includes a section on opportunities, challenges, and lessons learned.
- Integrating the Safe System Approach with the Highway Safety Improvement Program report presents areas of alignment between the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and the Safe System Approach; as well as opportunities, noteworthy practices, and next steps for safety stakeholders to advance implementation of the Safe System approach through HSIP.
- State and Local Alignment Toward Zero Traffic Deaths: To promote effective partnerships as a way to advance zero deaths efforts, the FHWA sponsored several State-based workshops where stakeholders discussed their safety priorities and strategies to achieve their shared goal of zero traffic deaths.
- Vision Zero City Overviews
- Transportation Safety Planning and the Zero Deaths Vision: A Guide for Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Local Communities provides references to key information for Metropolitan Planning Organizations and local communities to understand and use the safety planning process to work toward the zero deaths vision.
Success Stories
Notable practices from Vision Zero communities:.
- Systemic Safety Analysis – San Diego, CA (data)
- Rainier Avenue South Redesign – Seattle, WA (infrastructure)
- Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force and Speed Limit Setting Report – California (partnerships)
- Safest Driver Contest – Boston, Massachusetts (behavioral)
- Media Campaign – Boulder, Colorado (communications and outreach)
- Walking Audits – Broward County, Florida (planning, partnerships, and public engagement)
- Traffic Safety Camera Program – Portland, Oregon (behavioral)
- Speed Management Projects – West Palm Beach, Florida (infrastructure)
- Milwaukee Avenue Rapid Delivery Approach – Chicago, IL (planning, implementation, and evaluation)
- Improved Nighttime Lighting – Fremont, CA (infrastructure)
- Fletcher Avenue Complete Streets Redesign – Hillsborough, FL (infrastructure)
- Equity in Vision Zero – Oregon Metro, OR (partnerships)
Other Materials and Efforts
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Page last modified on March 9, 2022